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MS Research: Find Sources

Middle School Databases and Resources

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Brittanica School
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Finding the source


Keywords are specific words or phrases that represent the main ideas or concepts related to a research topic or question. They help to identify and retrieve relevant information from various sources such as books, articles, or websites.

To identify keywords for your research topic or question, you can follow these steps:

  1. Read and understand your research topic or question: Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you are looking for.

  2. Identify the main ideas and concepts: Think about the key points or main themes related to your topic. What are the important aspects you want to explore or learn more about?

  3. Brainstorm related words and phrases: Start brainstorming and making a list of words and phrases that are associated with your main ideas. Think about synonyms, related terms, or specific details related to your topic.

  4. Use subject-specific vocabulary: Consider using subject-specific vocabulary or technical terms that are commonly used in the field or subject area you are researching.

  5. Refine and select the most relevant keywords: Review your list of words and phrases and select the ones that are most relevant to your research topic or question. These keywords will help you focus your search and find information that is directly related to what you are looking for.

For example, let's say your research topic is "Effects of pollution on marine ecosystems." Some possible keywords could be: pollution, marine ecosystems, environmental impact, water pollution, ecological consequences.

Remember, keywords may vary depending on your specific research topic and the information you are seeking. It's important to adapt and adjust your keywords as you progress in your research and discover new information.

Using keywords effectively can improve the efficiency and accuracy of your research by directing you to the most relevant sources of information.

Primary and secondary Sources

Internet Search

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How to use Wikipedia

Boolean Search

Opposing Viewpoints

News Sources

Know your sources

Know your sources