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Creating Cultures of Thinking: Modeling

Resources for "Creating Cultures of Thinking: The Eight Forces We Must Master To Truly Transform Our Schools" by Ron Ritchhart of Project Zero at HGSE. [Guide by Stephen Taylor for Western Academy Beijing]

MODELING: Seeing Ourselves through Our Students’ Eyes

To display, demonstrate, or draw attention to as an example for others to follow or imitate. As a culture shaper, modeling operates on both an explicit and an implicit level. Explicitly, we may demonstrate techniques, processes and strategies in a way that makes our own thinking visible for students to learn from and appropriate. Implicitly, our actions are constantly on display for our students. They see our passions, our interests, our caring, and our authenticity as thinkers, learners, community members, and leaders. Adult models surround students and make real a world that they may choose to enter or reject.   [Source: Project Zero]


Chapter Summary

Resources & Links

Development of a Culture of Thinking Self-Assessment


Below is a list of five ideas to consider when creating a Culture of Thinking in your classroom: 

​1. Thinking is regularly on display (my own as well as students) in the classroom.

2. I demonstrate my own curiosity, passion, and interest to students.

3. I display open-mindedness and a willingness to consider alternative perspectives.

4. It is clear that I am learning too, taking risks, and reflecting on my learning.

5. Students model their thought process by spontaneously justifying and providing evidence for their thinking.