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Virtual Reality: Home

Learning at WAB is a transformative process which is intentional and iterative, challenging and joyful, and serves an authentic purpose

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Virtual Reality, AR & XR in Learning

There is a lot of potential for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Extended Reality (XR) to enhance learning in schools. This guide outlines some current projects at WAB, along with further readings and resources. 

VR, AR & XR are developing quickly and becoming more accessible to learners. They have potential for experiential learning, empathy, creativity, design, connections across communities and much more. 


Guide by Stephen for WAB.  Image: Young tiger using VR headset, created with Playground AI DALL-E 2 AI art generator. More about AI


ES Examples

VR/AR in ES is just getting started, and some examples we have tried so far include: 

  • Using iPad apps to create characters and images that can be shown in augmented reality, placing them in 'real' environments. 
  • Using Google Cardboard viewers to see scenes (using school iPods)
  • Creating 3D models in student-friendly CAD tools. 

PYPx Students unboxing ClassVR and taking a field trip to some coral reef environments for their SDG-related inquiry into marine ecosystems. 

MS & HS Examples

Our fab MS Design Team have been trying some immersive & collaborative design tools using Oculus Quest 2 and Gravity Sketch as a VR CAD environment. This gives students the opportunity to design in shared 3D space, whilst being supervised and supported by their teacher.

Students also use CAD design tools such as TinkerCad to produce designs and models that can be 3D-printed and projected into an augmented reality space, so they appear to be in real environments. 

MS Student learning Gravity Sketch using Oculus Quest 2. 

Safety & Ethics in VR

As with all educational technologies at WAB, use of VR tools is carefully planned and managed safely. 

  • Safe spaces and supervision
  • Attention to student wellbeing
  • Age-appropriate tools and engagement
  • Aligned with WAB's Acceptable Use Policy for technology

Find out more on the Learn tab above

Some VR Tools Available at WAB

Some ThingLink & Insta360 Examples

Creating a Gallery using Insta360 & Thinglink

This example gallery used: 

  • 1 x Insta360 photo for the scene
  • 1 x photo for each asset
  • 1 x Polycam3D scan for the 3D render example

The Project was created in a Folder in Thinglink. Each asset uploaded is treated as a 'Scene'. 

  1. For the photos: Go to Edit --> Settings --> Info Panel and add information
  2. For the 360 Tour: Edit ---> Add Tag --> Create Tour --> Select Scene (artwork)
  3. Music was added to the 360 Tour in Settings, but you could add anything. 

WAB Campus: Architect's Drawings

Pre-Experience Slides - show & explain before using