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MS Language Acquisition:G07: Chinese Resources

Recommended apps

Learning platform:

 Recommended apps:

  • Pleco (app, dictionary)
  • Skritter ( character writing apps, not free)
  • Memrise 
  • Quizizz
  • Quizlet

Chinese IB Terms

IB Attitudes 学习态度

Appreciation 感恩

Commitment 投入

Confidence 自信

Cooperation 合作

Creativity 创新

Curiosity 好奇

Empathy 明理

Enthusiasm 热情

Independence 独立

Integrity 正直

Respect 尊重

Tolerance 宽容


Learner Profile 学生素质

Balanced 平衡发展

Caring 充满爱心

Principled 坚持原则

Communicator 沟通自如

Knowledgeable 知识丰富

Reflective 乐于反思

Open-minded 思想开放

Inquirer 勤于探究

Risk- taker 勇于挑战

Thinker 善于思考

Chinese books in the Red Scroll Library

Chinese books on Sora

Chinese Books

Recommended Reading Resources

  1. Mandarin Matrix –  Theme-Based Readers Series( level 1-6 )
  2. 《汉语风》Chinese breeze中文分级系列读物(level 1-8),北大
  3. 《学汉语分级读物》(3级,50册),北语
  4. 《轻松猫中文分级读物》(共4级),北语
  5. 《中文天天读》(英译版)(共5级),外研社

Find Chinese Phase 5 booklist  here  

Chinese L&L booklist

Top 10 of 2022 Student Read @ MS