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Grade 3
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ES PE: Grade 3
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Adventure Challenge
Striking & Fielding
Health Related Fitness
Track & Field
Invasion Games
Central Idea:
Groups work together, using social and communication skills, to solve problems.
Lines of Inquiry:
Solving group challenges requires co-operation
Effective communication can help groups solve a challenge
Using the Challenge Cycle (Plan, Perform, Reflect) can help groups solve problems
Essential Questions:
What does effective teamwork look like?
How can we communicate effectively in a group?
Why is the 'Challenge Cycle important in group challenges?
Central Idea:
People use rules, skills and strategies to play games.
Lines of Inquiry:
Skills that are necessary to play different games
Importance of rules when playing games
Strategies that can be used in games
Essential Questions:
How do we send and receive a ball effectively?
Why are rules important when we play games?
What are some strategies that can be used in games?
Central Idea:
Understanding and training different types of fitness help to keep us physically healthy.
Lines of Inquiry:
How to improve components of fitness
Different Components of
Fitness (Power, flexibility, co-ordination, agility, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance)
Essential Questions:
What are some different components of fitness?
What training can we do to improve the different components of fitness?
Central Idea:
Multiple elements can be combined to create a movement performance.
Lines of Inquiry:
Correct technique
Designing, refining and performing a movement performance
Essential Questions:
Why is correct technique important in gymnastics?
How does the Design Cycle help us create a 'quality' gymnastics performance?
What elements can be used to enhance a gymnastics performance?
Central Idea:
Athletes use an understanding of rules and techniques to improve their performance.
Lines of Inquiry:
How the development of correct technique improves performance
How rules influence technique
Essential Questions:
What techniques enable us to run faster, jump longer, and throw further?
How can we train so that our technique improves?
Central Idea:
People use rules, skills and strategies to play games.
Lines of Inquiry:
Techniques and skills that are necessary to play different games
Strategies that can be used in games
The importance of rules when playing games
Essential Questions:
How do we send and receive a ball effectively?
Why are rules important when we play games?
What are some attack and defense strategies that can be used in games?
Grade 2
Grade 4 >>