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FLOW21 ATL: Developing ATL's Holistically

Resources from the FLoW21 ATL Working Group, 2018+

Developing ATLs Holistically

The Enhanced PYP, suggests that teachers foster and support the development of ATL skills by providing opportunities embedded in authentic learning experiences. Supporting the development of the approaches to learning holistically requires that teachers seamlessly integrate them implicitly as part of the classroom culture.

How do we embed ATLs within our teaching practice, so that they become an integral part of the classroom culture, rather than an add-on? 

Using Thinking Routines to Support ATLs

Using Thinking Routines from Project Zero can be an effective way to draw out ATLs holistically and implicitly within the culture of the classroom. 

More information about Project Zero courses and resources can be found at You can also borrow the texts from our school library. 

Icons made by Freepik from 

Documenting Learning

Making Learning Visible from Project Zero “makes the case that qualitative forms of sharing evidence, such as photos, portfolios, quotes and video are powerful ways to shift the dialogue among stakeholders to a fuller view of what counts as learning” (Krechevsky et al).


How to Document Learning from Visible Learners by Mara Krechevsky et al:

  • Identify a focus
  • Select a documentation tool
  • Collect the documentation
  • Shape the documentation to share
  • Identify a useful conversation structure
  • Use documentation to inform next steps or share with learners