What will "future" you think of the choices that "now" you has made with technology?
You know as well as anyone that what happens online stays online... potentially forever. Building a positive digital footprint means taking ownership of your online identity, being positive in your interactions and avoiding negative behaviours.
Mythbusting: Do universities really search your social media?
Universities need to protect their own reputations and provide a safe space for all to learn. You should expect that your online profile will be searched.
When digital citizenship goes wrong, the impacts can be wider - and more serious - than we expect.
T.H.I.N.K. before your post (source):
You are also responsible for protecting the digital footprint of your peers.
In the digital world, just as the real, treat others better than you would like to be treated yourself.
Workshop slides below. If it does not appear for you in SharePoint, try this link.
Digital Intelligence (DQ) is a comprehensive set of technical, cognitive, and socio-emotional competencies that enable individuals to face the challenges of and adapt to the demands of digital life. [Source: DQ Institute]
How aware are you of laws & best-practices around digital consent when it comes to sharing images and details of other people?
It is your responsibility to be informed, principled and behave accordingly. Treat others as you expect to be treated yourself. Never post without permission.
Trisha Prabhu is a true inspiration: she created the ReThinkWords App as a teenager in an effort to "prevent cyberbullying before it causes harm." Check our her TED talk below and install the app - she got it fully funded on Shark Tank, has been to White House and is now at Harvard.
Does "online me" reflect "real me"?
Google yourself. What does your digital footprint say about you?
What do your social media profiles and interactions say about you?
What do your posts online say about you?
What do the things you have been tagged in say about you?
Are you happy with this footprint?
Would potential employers, universities (or your relatives) be happy with this footprint?
How can you take control of your online self?
Useful infographic from Chlidnet: Five things you can do to create a positive online reputation. (pdf here)
Do you know how much data you are giving away in your online interactions... and what it is being used for?
How aware are you of laws & best-practices around digital consent when it comes to sharing images and details of other people?
It is your responsibility to be informed, principled and behave accordingly. Treat others as you expect to be treated yourself. Never post without permission.
You can't take it back from the net... |
What are the laws?
Wikimedia Commons shares guidelines on
legality & responsibility in different countries.
Resources for WAB High School Flex/SEL/ATL sessions are developed by Stephen Taylor, Learning & Technology Coach, in collaboration with team leaders and teachers, using a range of reliable, recognised frameworks.
IB ATL Skills |
Education |
Harvard Education |
International Society for Technology in Education |
Google: Be Internet Awesome |
Digital Intelligence & World Economic Forum |