These resources are to support you and your group through the WAB Reads 2019 season.
They are suggestions and you can choose to use them as much or as little as you wish.
On your book's page there is a Padlet that is unique to your group - you can use it for sharing ideas, linking to resources or making notes. You can also share your learning on Twitter using the hashtag #WABReads.
Enjoy WAB Reads 2019!
Get your books and form your club! Light breakfast & books provided at the Lotus Lounge.
Plan some dates and times to meet (3-4 times) and discuss your reading.
You can contribute to your team's Padlet on the tabs above.
Why not have lunch with your team in the library this week?
Breakfast times are available for your WAB Reads group to meet if you wish.
WAB Reads Closure: sharing & celebrating with a light breakfast, provided 7:30 - 8:30.
Reflection & Discussion Questions
How did you feel when reading this selection?
Were you surprised by anything in the selection?
Do you agree or disagree with...? Why?
What unanswered questions do you have about the selection?
Share a highlight that has changed or challenged your thinking.
Connect your reading to your own teaching (or role) at WAB.
Some ideas for facilitating book club discussions, based on resources from Project Zero Making Thinking Visible, Facing History, Thinking Collaborative and more. More ideas can be found on the Cultures of Thinking Libguide.