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ES Performing Arts
Grade 3
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ES Performing Arts: Grade 3
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Vocal Expression
Social Dance
Central Idea:
A voice is an expressive instrument that can be developed.
Lines of Inquiry:
Skills that can be used to s
upport expressive
How posture impacts singing
Breathing for singing
Essential Questions:
What is singing?
How can physical elements affect a voice?
How can what is heard be used to develop a voice?
How can we communicate with an audience using an expressive voice?
Central Idea:
Dance is an important part of a community's social and cultural expression.
Lines of Inquiry:
Heritage being represented through dance
Social aspsects of dance in culture
Connections between musical elements and dance
Essential Questions:
How does dance reflect aspects of a group's culture?
Why and how are dances different:
What skills and understanding are needed in social and cultural dance?
Why do we dance?
Central Idea:
Characters can be represented using different elements through performing arts media.
Lines of Inquiry:
What elements of music and drama can be used to represent different characters
What aspects of character can be portrayed
What a performer needs to be able to represent different characters
Essential Questions:
How can you become someone else?
What features or aspects of a character should a motif highlight?
What musical and dramatic elements can be used to represent a character?
Central Idea:
Composers are always searching for the right sound.
Lines of Inquiry:
Compare aspects of music from different times and places
Analyze different compositions describing how the musical elements enhance the message
Express themselves and individuals through musical composition
Essential Questions:
How can we describe sound?
What is the right sound?
What makes music have a specific mood?
How can the sounds be changed?
How does a composer know he or she has made the right choice?
Why does it matter?
Central Idea:
Performing artists need knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve their performances.
Lines of Inquiry:
Why artists strive to improve their performance
How artists strive to improve their performance
What artists seek to improve in their performances
Essential Questions:
What makes an effective performer?
What elements can you improve in your playing?
How do you know your strengths and weaknesses?
How do you stop yourself from giving up?
Grade 2
Grade 4 >>
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