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AI for Faculty: Prompts

Making the most of AI tools through Prompting

Generative AI (GenAI) tools are not the same as search engines. Through using natural language processing (NLP), GenAI tools use Large Language Models (LLMs), to convert the prompts (instructions) you give them into useful outputs. Some tips: 

  • Test GenAI tools on areas that you know well, so you can see strengths & limitations. 
  • Test variations on prompts and keep records of examples that work well for you. 
  • Try different AI tools to see how they produce varied responses. 

The ICES outline for prompts can help give better quality outputs:

I: Identity/Audience

Give the bot a role to play, and a target audience/level for output. 

C: Clear Commands

Give clear criteria or outcomes for the work, using command terms.

E: Explain & Examples

Explain clearly what you want to achieve. Include quotes, details, examples, context.

S: State Structure

Define the format of the response (bullets, table, paragraphs etc).

Each GenAI tool will behave differently, so choose tools according to your task: 

  • Perplexity is a powerful GPT-enhanced search engine. It will create Threads, and link to sources for each query. It can perform most tasks well, though is not a ChatBot. This is a good tool for research and development. Full guide here
  • BingChat will chat with you and build on the conversation. It is web-connected and has models for Creative (more powerful), Balanced and Precise (faster). Results are refined as you give feedback, though it might be more prone to hallucination. 
  • Poe has a range of bots connected to different models. It is not internet-connected, but gives a good experience. 
  • ChatGPT is not internet-connected, unless you have a Plus subscription. If you have Plus, it can do amazing things with Plugins, DALL-E 3 (image generation), web search and advanced data analysis. 

AI in the PYP & MYP

Prompt Library: Prompts to Copy, Try & Adapt

Remember: the more context you give the bot, the more useful the results will be. 

Prompts for Vocab Lists

  • Create a vocabulary list with ___ words for the topic of _________ at a _______ level.
  • Create and define a vocabulary list with ___ words for the topic of _________ at a _______ level.
  • Define these terms (at a _______ level): Paste an existing vocab list below

Prompts for Bilingual Vocab Lists

  • Create and define a vocabulary list in _____ & _____ with ___ words for the topic of _________ at a _______ level.
  • Define these terms in ____ & ______ (at a _______ level): Paste an existing vocab list below. 

Summarize or Rewrite Text

  • Rewrite this at a ______ school level: Paste text
  • Rewrite this in (home language) at a ______ school level: Paste text

You can also use Diffit for this type of task. 

"Read" or Summarize Links

  • Summarize this: Paste URL
  • Explain why this is important: Paste URL
  • Explain this at # levels (e.g. Explain this for children, teens and experts). Paste URL
  • Identify __ key terms from this link and give a definition of each: Paste URL
  • Identify __ key terms from this link and give a definition of each in (Language 1) & (Language 2): Paste URL

This is not always reliable - it depends on the quality of the source and the model you use. Treat with caution. 

Ideation & Brainstorming

  • Generate [#] ideas for [task] to address [goals/objectives] for [topic]. 
  • Suggest [#] ways I can approach the problem of [describe problem/task]. 
  • Suggest divergent solutions to the problems outlined in [paste text]. 

Use the ICES structure to generate prompts. 

Example for Perplexity or BingChat: (example result here)

[I] I am a [level, subject]  teacher developing a course to connect [topics]. [C] Develop a course outline that includes [essential elements], with a suggested resource list that links to reliable resources. [E] The course needs to address the following objectives [paste objectives]. It also needs to address the following key and related concepts [paste concepts and their definitions]. [S] Present your results in the form of an introductory overview and a table that outlines how the topic can be addressed through the key and related concepts. Provide a reference list. 

Finding video resources for class in Perplexity:

Use the ICES prompt and give clear guidance to adapt this: Suggest videos of [X-Y Mins] suitable for [age level] to.... 

Suggesting Activities

  • Suggest # interesting discussion questions about (topic) for ___ students.
  • Suggest # interesting discussion questions about this text for ___ students. Paste text
  • Suggest # interesting discussion questions about this link for ___ students. Paste URL
  • Suggest # pro-and-con arguments for (topic/text) for __ students.
  • Give a presentation outline for ____ that includes __ stages.
  • Suggest an outline for a presentation that a __ student could give on (topic/link)
  • Suggest a story intro that includes (concepts/terms) - students can expand on this in their writing or speaking.
  • Suggest # questions for a __ student to explore to make a video about (topic).

Suggesting Connections

  • Suggest # connections between (topic) and (area of personal interest)
  • Suggest # connections between (topic/link) and the UN SDG's.
  • Suggest # examples of (topic) in (home country).

Checking for Comprehension

  • Create a # question quiz for this text for __ students, and identify correct answers. Paste text.
  • Create a # question multiple-choice quiz for this text for __ students, and identify correct answers. Paste text.
  • Create a # question missing-word quiz for this text for __ students, and identify correct answers. Paste text.

Generating Exemplars & Mentor Texts

Set up the ICES prompt for context, and adapt with some of these ideas: 

  • Generate a [#-word] passage that includes [#-paragraphs] to address the task [paste task instruction]. Ensure the text addresses the following objectives [paste objectives]. 
  • Generate [#] different example paragraphs about [topic] to address the objective [paste objective]. 

Example texts might be used in class to help students tune-in to the assessment and recognise the descriptors in the work. You could use a different topic from the classroom assignment. 

Remember: the more context you give the bot, the more useful the results will be. 

Suggesting Connections

  • Suggest # connections between (topic) and (area of personal interest)
  • Suggest # connections between (topic/link) and the UN SDG's.
  • Suggest # examples of (topic) in (home country).
  • Suggest connections between the following text and [topic/objective]. Paste text. 

Checking for Comprehension

  • Create a # question quiz for this text for __ students, and identify correct answers. Paste text.
  • Create a # question multiple-choice quiz for this text for __ students, and identify correct answers. Paste text.
  • Create a # question missing-word quiz for this text for __ students, and identify correct answers. Paste text.

Considering Multiple Perspectives

Set up the ICES prompt, and try the following adaptations:

  • Consider [topic] from the perspectives of [viewpoints]. Present the results as a table, with columns for each viewpoint and their perspectives. 
  • Suggest questions that we can ask to consider the viewpoints of [perspectives]. 
  • In discussion of [topic] we have considered the perspectives of [viewpoints]. Suggest alternative viewpoints or stakeholders that we might not have considered. 

Suggesting Interesting Outputs

  • Suggest a presentation outline for [topic], to be given by a [student]. The presentation should be for [duration] and include [essential elements]. Present the outline as headings, subheadings and bullet-point notes for preparation. Suggest reliable resources to learn more about the topic. 

Suggesting Imagery

  • Suggest [#] prompts for [Midjourney/DALL-E 3] that will generate interesting images connected to [topic]. 
  • Suggest [#] prompts for [Midjourney/DALL-E 3] that will generate interesting images to illustrate the following text: [paste text]. 
  • Suggest different graphical representations that would suit the following text. Provide an outline for creating them. [paste text]. 

Ideation & Brainstorming

  • Generate [#] ideas for [task] to address [goals/objectives] for [topic]. 
  • Suggest [#] ways I can approach the problem of [describe problem/task]. 
  • Suggest divergent solutions to the problems outlined in [paste text]. 

AI Tools should NOT be used for final assessment. Our students deserve the attention and care of their teachers. However, students and teacher might use AI tools for ongoing feedback, conferencing, support, with permission. Consider:

  • Is the tool appropriate for the age group? 
  • Do the students give permission for their work to be used in these systems? 
  • How will class discussions and mentoring support their development based on the feedback? 

Giving quick feedback on writing

  • Suggest improvements to this paragraph to make it more [objective]. Give alternative expressions and ideas. Here is the sample: [paste sample]. 
  • Suggest alternate viewpoints to [paste sample]. 
  • Give suggestions for how I can expand on this paragraph to [paste objective]. Here is the sample: [paste sample]. 
  • Give feedback in the form of 5 bullet points on how this writing can be improved to meet the objective [paste objective]. Here is the text: [[aste text]. 

Giving feedback for improvement based on descriptors

This one is complex, but can be useful. 

I am a [level] student preparing a [assignment type] for [class]. Give feedback on my draft writing to help me improve. Identify strengths and areas for improvement, with suggestions, agains the following objectives: 

Objective 1: [paste descriptor]

Objective 2: [paste descriptor]

Present the results as a table, with rows for each descriptor and columns for strengths, areas for improvement and suggestions. Here is my draft: [paste text]. 

Remember: the more context you give the bot, the more useful the results will be. 

Prompts for Bilingual Vocab Lists

  • Create and define a vocabulary list in _____ & _____ with ___ words for the topic of _________ at a _______ level.
  • Define these terms in ____ & ______ (at a _______ level): Paste an existing vocab list below. 

Adjusting Reading Levels

  • Rewrite the following text for [age group or reading level]. Paste text. 

Supporting Multilingual Learners

  • Translate the following text into [home language]: paste text. 
  • Rewrite the following text in [home language] at a [level]: paste text. 
  • Translate the following vocabulary list into [home languages]. Present the results as a table with columns for English, [language 1], language 2]... 

Identifying Key Terms

  • Identify [#] key terms from the following passage. Give a definition for each. 
  • Identify [#] key terms from the following passage. Give a definition for each in English and [home language]. 

Explain at 4 Levels

This strategy can support understanding of complex topics at different levels of complexity. Adapted from Wired Magazine's 5 Levels series

  • Explain [topic] at five levels: Child, teen, undergraduate, expert. 
  • Explain the following text at five levels: Child, teen, undergraduate, expert. Paste text. 

Remember: the more context you give the bot, the more useful the results will be. 

This tab will be updated with advanced prompts for use with ChatGPT Plus and Advanced Data Analysis. An example is here

A collection of bots, made in Poe, to support teaching and learning. 

Try Poe here: 

Food For Thought: Prompt Engineering

In early GenAI, "Prompt Engineering" was touted as a desired skill. This might not be true for much longer, as LLM models adapt and become more capable at interpreting the user's needs. Through chatbot interfaces, users can iterate and give feedback, to get closer to their desired outcomes. Multiliteracies, global knowledge, strong writing & communication skills and the ability to learn and iterate might be more useful attributes.