It's critical to get your pre-arrival medical right or you'll be spending extra time when you get here going for the check-up and this will delay your visa. Make sure you use the service recommended by your local consulate / embassy where you will obtain your Z or S1 visa before going
for the check-up and that the examination is within the time-window.
There is a standard form issued by the Chinese Embassy/Consulate, which you must use. Typically, there are specific medical facilities that
are authorized to conduct this medical check-up (and not anywhere else). The check-up usually includes:
• A blood test (for HIV and Syphilis)
• Chest X-ray (for tuberculosis)
• Electro-Cardio Gram (ECG)
• A General Physical Examination
• Type B Ultrasound (abdominal)
Please make sure that all medical reports are original, typed (not hand written) and stamped by the hospital.
You then need bring all original medical reports and X-rays to Beijing. Carry this information with you in your hand luggage. Do not put it in your shipment, as one of our staff members will need to collect it, and your passport, after arrival.
You may still need to go for a medical check-up after arrival in Beijing at the “Beijing Municipal Health and Quarantine Bureau.” If your pre-arrival
medical check-up was completed according to the Chinese government’s requirements, it is likely that you will be exempted from the one in Beijing
(or parts of it). About 1/3 of our cohort last year still had to re-do all the tests despite having had them done in their original country.
Keep all your original receipts as WAB will reimburse you for the costs.
These centres / practitioners have been recommended by individual staff members and do not constitute an endorsement by the school.
WAB has partnership with Raffles Medical, LIH Olivia's Place and Learning Frontier, who send their clinicians to our campus every week:
These are all external services and incur additional charges that are not covered by Cigna Insurance. Dr. Christin Topper coordinates referral and scheduling for all these external therapists, so Newbies can contact her directly with any questions they may have.