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WAB Faculty & Staff

HS Global Citizenship: Finances, Fundraising & Sponsorship

The Western Academy of Beijing realizes that, as global citizens, we have a responsibility towards the world around us that extends outside the classroom. Being global citizens is about making a difference.

Managing Club Accounts and Finances

Part of student-led club leadership is the managing of finances. It is recommended that you appoint a student accountant to manage the money for your club. Your club supervisor should be aware of all financial club activities. NO MONEY COLLECTED BY A CLUB SHOULD BE HELD ON PERSONAL ACCOUNTS OR IN CASH. Each club is designated its own account and will be given an account number and QR code.

Club Accounts and QR Codes

Each club that requests one will be given a club account number and QR code where all club funds should be deposited. Clubs should not be using personal accounts to collect money in the club's name. Club supervisors and leaders can decide to use the funds at their discretion using the procedure in the box "Purchasing and Reimbursement" 

Club QR codes are found in the General files section of the HS Clubs and Projects TEAM 

Purchasing and Reimbrusement

Procedure for Purchasing Items from Club Funds

If Student-Led Clubs would like to use club funds to purchase items for fundraising or other club activities, those items can be purchased through WAB partner vendors or outside vendors. If items are purchased using outside vendors, a FAPIAO must be submitted in order to receive reimbursement. See a list of some items available from WAB Partner Vendors BELOW ⬇️

Using WAB Partner Vendors - There is a limited number of Items that clubs can order directly through WAB such as food and drink items from Chartwells, screen-printed tote bags, screen-printed t-shirts, stickers, cards, posters, etc. The benefit of using WAB vendors is that no FAPIAO or reimbursement is needed. PLEASE MAKE YOUR ORDER AT LEAST A WEEK BEFORE TO ENSURE THAT YOU RECEIVE YOUR PRODUCTS IN TIME (SHIRTS AND BAGS MAY NEED MORE TIME)  You will fill in the payment form  BELOW ⬇️ or if payments are internal transfers to Chartwells, WABx or another club, use the WAB internal transfer form BELOW ⬇️

Using Outside Vendors - Other items purchased directly by students or club supervisors will need to secure a FAPIAO using the Information below: 

1. 开票名称 (Fapiao Title): 北京京西学校
2. 统一社会信用代码 (VAT No.):12110000400689142F
3. 营业地址 (Address):北京市朝阳区来广营东路10号
4. 联系电话 (Tel No.): 010-59865588
5. 开户银行 (Bank): 中信银行北京国际大厦支行
6. 银行账号 (Bank Account): 7110110182600017090

See example:

After receiving the FAPIAO, this reimbursement form must be filled out BELOW ⬇️


Club Sponsorship, Donations and Merch Sales

There are other opportunities for clubs to raise money beyond fundraising. 

 ParentLink Donations

Clubs have an opportunity to present projects to the parent community at the monthly Coffee Mornings hosted in the Lotus Lounge. Club leaders can make short presentations about their club's projects and an opportunity for parents to donate. The presentation can also be shared with the WAB community to collect further funds. 

 Community-Sponsored Events

If Clubs are interested in hosting an event, it is possible to connect with outside organizations to provide funds for advertising at the event. If you are interested in this, see Ms. Crouch for more information.

 Selling Club Produced Merch at Tiger's Den

If Clubs have items to sell, it is possible to display them for purchase at the Tiger's Den Store in ES. You might even consider hosting an online store or auction. See Ms. Crouch for more information


Club Accounts Documentation

Each cub must appoint a financial accounts manager or treasurer. This person is responsible for documenting club accounts on TEAMS. At the end of each month, clubs will be given a statement of accounts. All transactions should be recorded for easy access. 

Club Fundraising Policy

Procedures for Hosting an Activity to Raise Funds 

Fundraising is discouraged outside of the WAB-organized events: Community Market, Asian Night Market, and Rock in the Park. Activities to raise money will need to be approved ahead of time for special circumstances. 

If you would like to fundraise outside of sanctioned events, you should:

  • Send a message to Ms. Crouch (ideally, at least a week before) to describe the purpose, goal, and date of your activity. Once approved you can add your event to the calendar and advise.
  • No funds will be collected in individual accounts. All transactions must be made through the Club's official WAB Club Account
  • Items that are sold should follow the most sustainable options. See the guidelines below.

STUCO Loans for Clubs

In order for Clubs to get started with initiative, Student Council offers Loans For Impact. These are no-interest loans of 1000rmb that must be paid back by the end of the year. Read more about this program in the attached documents ABOVE ⬆️

To repay the loan to STUCO, please use the WAB internal transfer form BELOW ⬇️

Making Donations to Outside Organizations

All donations from Club accounts must be made to an organization that has been approved as a WAB Community Partner. All information must be shared ahead of the donation and be vetted to ensure the reliability of the organization. Ensure that the Club Supervisor has approved this donation with their signature on the Payment Form.

To make donations from club accounts, the Payment Form should be used BELOW ⬇️

Upon receipt of the donation, the charity organization should the donation with a receipt, FAPIAO, or an official certificate with an explanation of how the funds will be used. You can find the Donation Receipt Confirmation and the sample of the 'Gongyishiye Juanzeng Fapiao' BELOW ⬇️