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PYP Exhibition (G5): Home

Welcome to the PYP Exhibition Guide

The exhibition is the culminating, collaborative experience in the final year of the PYP and is a powerful demonstration of student agency. In the PYP exhibition, students demonstrate their understanding of an issue they have chosen to explore. They undertake their investigation with their peers, together with the guidance of a mentor. Through the exhibition, students demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their learning—and their capacity to take action—as they are actively engaged in planning, presenting and assessing learning. It is an authentic process for students to explore, document and share their understanding of an issue. All exhibitions are student-initiated, designed and collaborative.


In keeping with the goals of PYPx and the commitment to student driven inquiry, grade 5 students will spend the next couple of months delving into a passion connected to a personal interest through the lens of the Sustainable Development GoalsEngaging in their PYPx Passion Project gives students an opportunity to practice important Approaches to Learning skills, among them effective researching, time-management, communication, and perseverance.


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