Central Idea: The structures and systems of community groups and organizations can impact change.
Essential question: How do the different parts of a system work together?
Focus: Digital Design - Coding
Major project: Makecode Arcade Maze Game
Minor projects: Chase/maze game tutorials
Students will:
Central Idea: Understanding the properties of energy allows people to make informed choices.
Essential Question: How can prototyping be used to test designs?
Focus: Physical Design - Design Cycle
Major project: Insulation solution
Minor projects: Felt pocket
Students will:
Central Idea: Change can be achieved by taking action on local and global issues.
Essential question: How can graphic design persuade others to take action?
Focus: Digital Design - Graphic Design
Major project: Persuasive digital SDG posters
Minor projects: Save paper poster
Students will:
Central Idea: Artists can inspire and challenge others to take action.
Essential question: How can video be used as a tool to inspire action?
Focus: Digital Design - Video
Major project: Caring Boomerang
Minor projects: Snapshots
Students will:
Central Idea: The changes people experience at different stages of their lives affect their evolving sense of self.
Essential question: How can fabric be used to represent identity?
Focus: Physical Design - Sewing
Major project: Identity cushion
Minor projects: Bean bag
Students will: