What makes a good summer reading list? A nice balance between:
eBooks and Audiobooks on your own device can be downloaded from Sora and Overdrive. We encourage students to use Sora.
We have Kindles to loan to you, too. Books are pre-loaded. Unfortunately, we cannot load the Kindle or Audible books onto your device.
Request the ebook or Audiobook from the circulation station and we will give you the corresponding device.
First of all we would recommend listening to your child. Allow them choice in what they want to read and how to access it. Bear in mind that research seems to indicate that reading physical books is probably better, but given the travel schedule of families during summer time it probably is good to have access to eBooks and AudioBooks.
You can be creative in accessing books - visit second hand book stores, get temporary library cards or borrow from cousins and grandparents. Whatever you do, plan to succeed in keeping reading up.
Set aside family time for reading together or reading aloud with younger students (or even teens!)
Below are some links to book suggestions for students of all ages.