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WAB Faculty & Staff

HS Global Citizenship: Inclusion, Social Justice and Multilingualism

The Western Academy of Beijing realizes that, as global citizens, we have a responsibility towards the world around us that extends outside the classroom. Being global citizens is about making a difference.

Ren Ai Nursing Home

Renaijinglaoyuan is our local residential nursing home for elderly citizens who don't have family members who can care for them. Many are in their 80s and 90s and have very interesting stories to tell. They enjoy interacting with high school students by playing games, listening to performances, flower arranging and participating in arts and crafts. 

Stars & Rain

STARS AND RAIN was founded in 1993 by a parent and is China’s first non-governmental educational organization to serve children with autism. The name "Stars and Rain", comes after an American movie “Rainman”, which raised public awareness of autism, and a nickname “children of stars”, which Taiwanese people fondly call their children with autism. The mission of Stars and Rain is to Strive to Be a Bridge Between Society and Children with Autism.

Rainbow Angels Hearing-Impaired Bakery


Rainbow Angels Bakery has trained numerous hearing-impaired youths in Beijing’s rural areas for free, four of which have gone on to become RAC chefs. While training at RAC, these young people not only learn how to bake handmade snacks but also develop their self-reliance skills, allowing them to discover more of their potential, while embracing their dreams.

SI Stories | 彩虹天使咖啡屋:守护无声世界的梦想 Interview with Li Shaohua (


Springsations, is a social enterprise working with Single Mom's in the Heart of Asia.  Springsations; Uniquely & Wonderfully Made is more than just another company making bags, its a company full of compassion, dreams and support.  At Springsations, we invest in the people just as much as we do in our products.  We strive to make a good quality tote that is not only beautiful and unique, but also strong, capable and wonderful (just like our people).  Springsations runs a Home for Single Moms & their small children as well as a job training program where the Moms (& other women who'd rather not share about their past) receive training and a job suitable to their skills and dreams.   

More About Us... — Springsations