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WAB Faculty & Staff

Tech for Leaving Faculty: Student Leavers

Teams Assignments

From your class Subject team go to

  • General / Files / Open in Sharepoint

Once in Sharepoint you need to go to:

  • Site Contents / Student Work

In the student work you can find 

  • Submitted Files

Look for your name and you can download your folder with all your completed assignments.



You will need to create a new Canva account in order to transfer your designs. 

If you have the desktop Canva app, you can also download all your designs. 

Photos / Vidigami

If you already have an account with Vidigami you can sign in to see and download photos. If you have yet to sign up for Vidigami, you can do this using you WAB email address. 



Forward All Emails

Configure Outlook on the web (at to automatically forward emails you receive to a different email address.

  1. Select the Settings gear icon in the Outlook on the web toolbar.
  2. Select View all Outlook settings.

  3. In the Settings dialog box, select Mail > Forwarding.

  4. Select the Enable forwarding check box. 
    Enter the email address that will receive the forwarded email messages.
    If you want to keep copies of the forwarded messages in your Outlook account, select the Keep a copy of forwarded messages check box*.

    *Note: If Keep a copy of forwarded messages is not checked, forwarded mail will not be available in your Outlook account (not even in the Deleted folder)


If you are leaving WAB, you can download a copy of your blog to take away with you. Although we do not plan to delete blogs, we cannot guarantee to keep them forever. Once you have downloaded your blog, all your posts, photos, videos (from new Tiger Tube only) and comments will be compressed into a folder that you can copy onto a USB memory stick and take away with you. Please note that any post you make after downloading your blog will NOT be included.

You can also download your blog from home, although this may take longer. You CANNOT download a blog onto an iPad or phone. It must be from a computer. 

To download a blog:

1. Go to the blog you want to download.

1. Go to site

2. Click on the Dashboard.

2. Dashboard

3. Click Blog Download.

3. Blog Download

4. Click on the blue arrow to start the download.

4. Download

5. When your blog is ready to download you will receive an email. You can then return to the Blog Download page or click on the link in the email to download the blog file. If you are a teacher doing this on behalf of a student, you can simply forward this email to the parents.

5. Email

6. You can download the blog from school or at home onto your computer and then copy it to a USB.