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WAB Faculty & Staff

Accreditation: LP 9: Learning Space & Time

NEASC ACE 2.0 Learning Principle 9: Learning Space & Time

The learning community optimizes physical environments, virtual opportunities, and time to support learning and wellbeing for all. 

Project Rationale for WAB: 

At WAB we have made some significant investments and innovations in use of space and time, from the well-established Day 9 in MSHS (and upcoming Day X in ES), to purpose-designed new spaces for learning, as well as different forms of learning communities* found across the whole school. The flexibility of using time and space for learning empowers student agency, and we continue to explore developments and ideas. Through engaging with this Learning Principle, we aim to ensure that ongoing developments are innovative, informed, and aligned with our IB programmes. 

* where teachers take shared responsibility for larger groups of students 

ACE 2.0 Impact Statements

9.1 Learning space (physical and virtual) and the structure of learning time contribute to the achievement of learning goals for learners.  

9.2 Learners and teachers have the autonomy to manipulate learning space and time to maximize learning. Learners are given time to pursue interests and passions within the framework of the core curriculum. 

Prompts & Provocations

  • How does the learning community consider flexible use of time and space to achieve learning goals?  

  • Does our use of space and time promote or inhibit realization of our Shared Understanding of High-Quality Learning?  

  • To what extent are learners empowered to move purposefully and/or change location according to learning requirements?  

  • How do learners have appropriate autonomy in deciding on the pace of their own learning?  

  • How do we reimagine the use of space and furnishings to create opportunities for collaboration, independent work, creation, and design?  

  • To what extent do the online learning platforms facilitate the intended learning impacts?  

  • How well does the use of time and organization of the school day allow for meaningful and rich thinking, investigation, and creation?  

  • How does the learning space reflect the school’s values in terms of social, economic, and environmental impact on the greater community?  

  • How does the learning community use its online environment to expand the time and space?  

  • How well do the physical spaces and time constructs contribute to the wellbeing of the entire community?  

  • How does the school account for inequities in home resources when assigning and assessing home learning tasks?  

  • How do the schedules of teachers facilitate their own professional learning and collaboration with others? 

Innovations in Learning Space

Since 2018, large-scale redevelopments of WAB's Learning Spaces have led to enhanced agency, creativity and engagement. These purposefully-designed spaces ensure that the campus acts as another teacher, inspiring and facilitating meaningful learning. 

Innovations in Learning Time

Time is our most precious resource, and we continually explore how to make the most of time in our schedules and projects. This includes the further development of projects that empower learners to choose their learning goals, approaches and use of time. 

Day 9 in MS & HS - Students Taking Charge Of Their Schedules

Time, Space, Learning & Wellbeing

Innovations in Virtual Environments

Learning Spaces extend into the virtual world, and over the last few years, WAB has made big developments towards making the most of our technological environments. Here are some recent examples: 

How Do Time & Space Interact To Empower Meaningful Learning Communities?

Rethinking the use of time and space leads to amazing learning experiences and opportunities for authentic learner agency. Developments in Learning Community models across the school highlight some innovative ways in which learning is being redesigned. 

PYP Learning Communities

MYP Mathematics Learning Communities

More Learning Community Models

Empowering Interdisciplinary Learning & Agency