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WAB Faculty & Staff

Accreditation: Summary of Outcomes & Next Steps 2021-23

Summary of Outcomes & Next Steps 2021-23

The complete Reports are very extensive and detailed (CLP report 69 pages, Deep Dive report 70 pages). This section outlines key findings, celebrations and recommendations from the agencies.  

Observations and recommendations across both processes can be used to support the successful future development of WAB. The following themes emerged throughout the self-study process. These were self-identified through community reflection and confirmed through the reporting and peer-evaluation processes.  


Develop sustainable, target-based approaches to innovation & development.  

To ensure the continued success of the work of WAB in terms of positive impacts on learners, learning and the community, we should: 

  • Determine targets for success of the various initiatives, including Sustainability, I-DEAS & Inclusion.  

  • Continue community engagement and further inclusion of the community in WAB’s strategic initiatives, projects and development.  

  • Regularly review strategic and educational initiatives against their desired impacts.  

  • Develop strategic and intentional whole school planning for increased consistency of innovation (versus “pockets”) and dynamic approaches with the existing conditions to maximise impact of learning on learners.  


Develop a shared understanding of impact of learning on learners.  

WAB has begun the journey of designing for and evaluating the impact of our developments on learners, learning and the community. This work should continue through:  

  • Professional development, reflection and communication.  

  • Gathering of various artefacts related to impact.  

  • Development of educational research within WAB.  

  • Further connecting with external partners, agencies and experts.  


Further develop a culture of effective data use.  

WAB works with data in many forms, including data related to learning, student support and strategic development. To become more ‘data informed’, we should:  

  • Further embed the LAC data analytics platform through professional development and communication.  

  • Determine targets/goals and metrics for educational and strategic initiatives, including  
    Sustainability and I-DEAS.  

  • Regularly reflect on the impacts of our actions using data.  

  • Use data to inform future decision-making and planning, to optimize use of time and resources.  


Ensure challenging & joyful learning for all learners.   

WAB’s definition of learning is “Learning at WAB is a transformative process which is intentional and iterative, challenging and joyful, and serves an authentic purpose.” WAB provides an excellent, inclusive and innovative education, though can still improve. To further strengthen, we should:  

  • Continue to update and review academic policies and develop a curriculum review cycle. 

  • Regularly reviewing the implications for curriculum, assessment, and personalization for increasing student agency across the school.   

  • Further develop practices around gathering evidence of learning and reporting.  

  • Further develop practices in relation to the IB’s approaches to teaching and learning, and the NEASC ACE 2.0 learning principles, including the use of feedback to improve learning and ensuring quality progression of learning for all students.  

  • Further engage student agency in their own learning, and in the development of learning experiences.  

  • Continue to explore personalized learning pathways.  

  • Ensuring teachers and mentors engage with students as to how they believe their approaches to learning skills could be developed, and the findings used as a resource for further evidencing impact.  


Further enhance WAB’s culture of well-being.   

WAB has an excellent school culture and strong approaches to community wellbeing. To further improve in this regard, we should: 

  • Finalise the articulation and development of the K-12 social emotional and safeguarding curriculum.  

  • Continue to improve ways to enable learners to become more able to personally contribute to the enhancement of their own social and emotional well-being.  


Further embed and enhance WAB approaches to learning inclusion.   

WAB has made great progress towards learning inclusion through the design and implementation of the multi-tiered support matrix, policies, personnel and practices. To further improve, we should: 

  • Finalise, publish and make the inclusion and language policies readily accessible to all stakeholders.   

  • Consider translating key policies into WAB’s common home languages.  

  • Regularly review and update roles and responsibilities within the learning inclusion departments to ensure sustainability and effectiveness of student support.  

  • Share the school’s innovative model of inclusion practices with the broad educational community, to inspire the advancement of inclusive education worldwide, and foster a global community of learning that values and supports diversity and inclusion in all educational settings.  


Continued development towards I-DEAS.   

WAB has made excellent, community-based progress towards the ideals of I-DEAS. To effectively sustain development in this area, we should: 

  • Undertake a systematic and deliberate approach to integrate the principles of I-DEAS into the broader curriculum and across various academic disciplines in order to reinforce its core values.  

  • Develop a model for assessing the effectiveness and extent of implementation of I-DEAS in order to refine strategies and ensure that benefits are maximized for the whole community.  

  • Insure differentiated opportunities and tailored approaches to accommodate diverse perspectives to ensure inclusive engagement, so that no member of the community is left behind.  


Continued development towards Sustainability.   

WAB has made excellent, community-based progress towards the goals of Sustainability. To effectively sustain development in this area, we should: 

  • Formulate pathways and allocate responsibilities to systematically and authentically infuse sustainability into the curriculum, fostering wider participation and installing a sense of ownership of sustainability practice throughout the community.  

  • Continue to cultivate and promote common understandings of sustainability, so that every member of the community can embrace and embody the principles to become proactive and inspirational role models.  

  • Effectively coordinate sustainability-related initiatives and projects to ensure clarity, synergy, and direction, to amplify the impact of work related to sustainability.  

  • Develop a model for evaluating the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives across the school and through the curriculum.  


Future directions and pathways.  

WAB has made progress towards the Profile of WAB Alumni and has a number of personalized pathways to student success. To continue development of this work, we should:  

  • Broaden participation in the development of and feedback on the profile.  

  • Develop a method for effective pilot, testing and feedback on the profile through recruitment of suitable students, including support from knowledgeable and enthusiastic teachers.  

  • Continuously evaluate the project to ensure its ongoing improvement, measure the effectiveness of the alumni profile, and assess the project overall impact on the educational experience at WAB.  

  • Develop a set of clear criteria for identifying and guiding students who would most benefit from alternative pathways, to ensure that students can truly thrive in this new learning environment.  

  • Continue collaborating with external organisations around the development of the profile, and alternative pathways to university and personal success.