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Accreditation: WAB CIS Deep Dive Project 1: Strategy 2022+

WAB CIS Deep Dive Project 1: Strategy 2022+

Project Goal: Through a student-led process of community-wide refection, create and implement “Strategy 2022+” to guide WAB into the future. 

Rationale: WAB’s last Strategic Plan comes to its conclusion in 2021, including the educational focus on FLOW21 (the future of learning at WAB), which set our 21 Targets. Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, a convergence of global issues and a reflective period for international education brought on by issues of social justice, inclusion, diversity and equity, it is time to reflect on WAB’s future directions. With a strong belief in student agency, we want to create a strategic planning process through community-wide reflection that will chart the next phase of learning and action at WAB, to better realise our guiding statements and to prepare our alumni for an uncertain future where they can really make a difference.  

Future Aspirations Questions

A1ii. How could a diversity of perspectives from a range of groups be leveraged to improve the guiding statements? How could the school’s guiding statements promote more inclusion, diversity, equity and anti-racism? 

B3i. How should the outcomes from strategic and operational planning be monitored and evaluated to inform future educational improvement? 

D1iv. How should a diversity of student voices and/or student agency be used to improve any of the following: •appropriate levels of engagement, challenge and access; •inclusion, diversity, equity and anti-racism; other appropriate matters that promote improved learning. 

E1ii. How could the school improve the contribution of student voices from a diverse range of perspectives to improve well-being overall, including openness ,fairness, trust and mutual respect? 

CIS Improvement Cycle

CIS School Improvement Cycle

Start of Process: Implementing

At Team Evaluation Stage: Reviewing

Selected Evidence (Public)