Story Time from Space has astronauts
videotaping themselves reading these books to the children on Earth.
Storyline Online provides audio and video stories by celebrated actors reading aloud for kids.
Storynory has audio streaming of more than 600 stories. The stories showcase imagination, good writing, and great narrations.
Storyweaver is a digital library of thousands of richly illustrated, open-licensed children stories in mother tongue languages.
World Stories has a growing collection of bilingual folktales from around the world in Mandarin, English, and many other languages.
Storytime is produced in New Zealand and has audiobooks, stories, and music for kids of all ages.
Open Library offers access to more than 20,000 free titles for children and is continually updating its collection of links to free books online.
International Children's Digital Library has a collection of almost 5,000 books in more than 60 languages.
Unite for Literacy provides free access to more than 400 original digital picture books in more than 40 languages.
MagicBlox has a large and growing collection of eBooks from award winning authors and publishers from around the world.
Lit2Go is a free online collection of poems and stories in audiobook format.
Global Storybooks Portal is a free multi-lingual resource for children worldwide. Read, download, and listen to a wide variety of stories.
Toon Books allows children to read select Toon Books online...and in multiple languages!
CultureVerse gives a modern takes on diverse cultural folktales; light peril. (Ages 8+)
Greeking Out shares Greek myths packed with action, humor, and lots of battles. (Ages 8+)
But Why is led by kids and tackles questions about nature and gives fascinating answers. (Ages 6+)
LingoKids tells short and sweet educational stories about diverse topics. (Ages 3+)
The Story Pirates Podcast features songs and sketches based on stories written by kids.
Circle Round tells entertaining audio stories that are sure to leave kids asking for "just one more episode." (Ages 2+)
Stories Podcast is a free storytellling podcast for children.
Noodle Loaf is an interactive musical education podcast. (Ages 3+)
Wow in the World takes listeners on a journey into the coolest new stories in science, technology, and innovation. (Ages 7+)
Newsy Pooloozi is a diverse kid-friendly international newscast. (Ages 7+)
In the Stories Seeds Podcast creative kids work with authors to craft diverse stories. (Ages 6+)
Tumble is a science podcast for kids that tells stories about science discoveries, with the help of scientists! (Ages 7+)
Finn Caspian is a serialized science-fiction story for kids about alien adventures. (Ages 5-8+)
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