September 2-5, 2024
Book Fair & Book Week
December 10 & 12, 2024
Winter Reading Café
April 21-25, 2025
Book Fair & Book Week
June 13, 2025
Book Swap
Beth Rohrbeck
Teacher Librarian
Wendy Wei
Library Technician
Zhang Jun
Library Assistant
Edward Zhang
Library Assistant
Winnie Wang
Library Assistant
EPIC SCHOOL PLUS has more than 40,000 award-winning fiction that supports SEL, plus thousands of nonfiction books in STEM, science, math, history, and more. In addition to English titles, our library includes Spanish-, French- and Chinese-language books and videos. Epic School Plus has 24/7 access. Each classroom teacher has a class code.
CAPSTONE INTERACTIVE has eBooks in a variety of genres. Children can read the book or choose the read aloud audio. Books are multi-user and children have simultaneous access.
SORA is the new user-friendly app that lets you access ebooks and audiobooks through your laptop, phone, or tablet; all you need is an internet connection and your WAB login. Search for ebooks and audiobooks through your browser on your computer or through the Sora app (in your app store) for phones and tablets.
Most of our databases and online resources can be accessed through a single sign on with Clever. SIGN-IN using your Microsoft WAB username and password.
If you cannot access the database you want through Clever, click here for the database passwords.
WAB provides students and teachers with complimentary access to New York Times.
Click here to create a free account. Use your WAB email.
Use Oliver to check your loan status and loan history.
The Library purchases books that support the PYP curriculum and the love of literacy.
Please request a book if we don't have it.