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HS EdTech: Edji - Reading App

Tech Tools, tips, how-tos and resources for High School.

Why? has a ton of potential for reading strategies, "noticing and naming" in text and images, and for providing feedback on documents. Try it out

See Jeri for access to Edji and to get an account. 

What's Edji?

Have a go - click on this sample: 

Edji Tutorial Slides

How could we use Edji in WAB HS?

  • Shared reading on news articles, texts or unit materials
  • Gathering questions about a text or issue
  • Formative assessment
  • Analysing data, graphs, maps or images
  • Giving feedback on work
  • Collaborative evaluaton of documents in meetings
  • and more!

Click on the image below to see a live WAB example with instructions:

Edji Tutorials: Getting Going

Evaluating Edji

This section of review questions is based on an #ISTECert Assignment for evaluating Edji as a tech tool to empower learning in alternative learning environments. Page and review by Stephen. 

How would you model this tool for colleagues?

This tool has been modeled in multiple high school HOD meetings. The first time we used it to collaboratively read and think about questions related to project-based learning in preparation for a PBL workshop and work towards developing some new interdisciplinary units. The second time we used it to provide feedback on some suggested practices to ensure that students are able to submit work on time, to overcome issues of late submission. Edji has been used in other staff meetings as well and from this it has been easy to encourage others to try it with their own groups or classes. Edji is very easy to setup and in each case we were able to get from login to working tool within a couple of minutes. 

How would you investigate this tool collaboratively with students?

Edji is very easy to use and so we're able to take media, prompts, stimuli and put it to work in a collaborative reading space with students within just a few minutes. One of the powers of this tool is that it gives students time to read closely think reflect and then write their response. This means that all students are able to contribute to the class thinking without their thoughts being clouded by the noise of others. It can easily be used to analyse text, read case studies, study images or label and analyse graphs. There is there is a question section where learners can add their thoughts at the end of the piece of work and when the heat map is exposed the class can also evaluate and analyse thinking. 

How might you use this tool to promote digital citizenship OR empower student learning?

One of the great powers of this tool is that it causes us to think and reflect before we write our responses until our thinking to be shaped by what's in our heads and not the heads of others. Is a safe space in which we can practice good digital citizenship and model constructive and effective writing. By analysing the words and highlights of others were able to see that others might not share the same perspectives of us whilst avoiding conflict in a meeting or a class. This is particularly powerful for EAL or introverted learners, and forces the 'willing speakers' to take time to think, empowering a deeper level of reflection from all. 

How might this tool transform your work with colleagues and/or students?

Edji really is a simple making thinking visible tool. We could use this tool with multiple thinking routines. With clear prompts time to think time to write an time and space to analyse the thinking, we are able to get to the heart of issue. It can change the dynamics of a group, enhancing interaction and ensuring expectations for learning are met by all. Instead of waiting for your turn to talk or having your thinking clouded by the voice of others you're able to focus on what's really happening and then later analyse the similarities and differences. In a meeting setting or group work it can be used to enhance or reinforced the norms of collaboration

Which ISTE Standard(s) might be met by its use?

Student Standards Educator Standards

Digital Citizen

  • 2b Students engage in positivesafelegal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

Knowledge Constructor

  • 3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Global Collaborator

  • 7b Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
  • 7c Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal. 


  • 4c Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.


  • 5a Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • 5b Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
  • 5c Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.


  • 7b Use technology to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments that accommodate learner needsprovide timely feedback to students and inform instruction.