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Tech Tools, tips, how-tos and resources for High School.
Getting Started
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Voice to Text
Office 365 Training Center
EDM / Music Production
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Digital YOU
Your Brain on Tech
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Easy Rubric - iPad app for rubrics on the move
Edji - Reading App
Equity Maps: Discussions (iPad)
Twitter for Educators: Curate A Professional Learning Network
Wakelet: Curating & Sharing Content
Mentimeter - student responses & feedback
Voice to Text
Classroom Screen
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Google for Education
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Education Perfect
Students request them here
Teachers request them here
Paper Clickers: an awesome student response system for "hinge questions" that only needs one phone and one laptop.
Equity Maps - brilliant class discussion app
The kind of tech that help empower class discussions. Very easy to use, generates powerful community data. Try it out! Collaborative Reading has amazing potential for collaborative reading, annotation and formative assessment. The power of paying attention!
Google-fu: Master the Search
Are you maximising the potential of the Google Search? Check this out...
Zotero: The Power of Word & Citation Tools
Zotero helps capture sources from the web, store and organise... and puts them in your paper!
Voice To Text: Get Your Work Done!
Use your Mac's Dictation tools and some simple goal-setting to get work done effectively.
Wolfram | Alpha
The world's "greatest computational search engine", Wolfram | Alpha searches and computes data sets. It amazing.
Libguides Pathfinders
Resources with multiple pages or topics.
Middle Years Programme
All about the MYP at WAB. Guides, links, resources and workshop materials.
Cultures of Thinking & Making Thinking Visible
Resources for the Harvard Project Zero work on Creating Cultures of Thinking & Making Thinking Visible.
Factfulness: Global Ignorance & Data-Informed Global Citizenship
Based on the amazing work of Hans Rosling & family, this guide outlines Factfulness, Gapminder and Dollar Street.
Microsoft Tools: Office & 365
Making the most of Microsoft at WAB: Excel, Word and more.
Ready, Steady, Flow: Make It Easier To Do Better Things
Workflows and resources for making the most of our most limited resource: time.
Data-Informed Inquiry
Tools and tutorials for resources to help use data.
Twitter: Connected Educators
A beginner's guide to getting started on Twitter for Educators. Build your professional learning network, get inspiration and find connections.
Getting Started >>