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HS EdTech: Wakelet: Curating & Sharing Content

Tech Tools, tips, how-tos and resources for High School.

Why Wakelet?

Wakelet is a simple, powerful curation and sharing tool.

It can:

  • Save resources from your browser with a Chrome extension
  • Organise resources in collections
  • Share collections with groups or students
  • Embed collections in Moodle (or other sites)

It is very easy to set up and has single sign-on with Office 365. 

Embed a Wakelet

When you embed a Wakelet collection, it will automatically update as you add new resources. 

  1. Create a Wakelet
  2. Open it and see the embed button, lower-right
  3. Set your preferred view
  4. Copy the html and paste into your destination. 

Getting Going...

Quick Start:

  1. Visit
  2. Login in using Office 365. Give permissions. 
  3. Follow the tutorial screens/ instructions. 
  4. Add the Wakelet Chrome extension

Wakelet Videos

Sample Wakelet

Sample public Wakelet collection by Stephen