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Is learning to code still a thing with AI?

by Doug Taylor on 2023-05-04T10:03:57+08:00 in EdTech | 0 Comments

For the last decade, there has been a huge push from companies, governments and educational institutions to get students to learn to code. With technology being ubiquitous in our everyday lives, it was thought that we will always need more people who can code to create everything we take for granted. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent months, this has been put in doubt. Is coding no longer important for students to learn when AI can write apps and games with just a few specific prompts? 

As elementary design teachers, we teach coding to the youngest students in the school. We begin by teaching students an understanding of algorithms and how to debug code to fix any problems in the commands. They then learn more complex commands such as events, movement, loops, conditionals, and variables. They use their code to control robots and make characters interact with other objects on the screen. Yet, being able to successfully code has never been the biggest takeaway for me. It’s the other skills students develop along the way. 

When students code, they learn critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and the interconnected nature of systems. They learn perseverance when trying to debug their code. So many of the IB’s Approaches to Learning Skills are present in any coding project, whether it be in elementary school or diploma. Is coding no longer important for students to learn when AI can write apps and games with just a few specific prompts? 

Here’s what, an AI Chatbot had to say when I asked this exact question: 

While AI-generated code can be useful for certain tasks, coding is still an important skill for students to learn. Learning to code helps students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and computational thinking skills, which are valuable in many fields beyond computer science. 

Moreover, coding is a versatile skill that can be applied in many different areas, such as data analysis, scientific research, and even art and design. Even if AI can generate code for certain tasks, it's still important for students to develop their coding skills to be able to use and modify AI-generated code to meet their specific needs. 

Furthermore, coding is a skill that can help students develop creativity and innovation. By learning to code, students can bring their own ideas to life and create new things that can have a positive impact on their communities and the world. 

It’s good to know, that even an AI agrees coding as an activity is still worthwhile, even if the form it takes as a job may change in the future. 


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