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WAB Faculty & Staff

Teachers Edtech: LAC

Find out about WAB's tech systems, tools and subscriptions and how to use them

LAC Overview

The ☞Learning Analytics Collaborative provides a secure data dashboard that allows us to visualize our own external and internal data in new and innovative ways. All teachers have access to the site and can see the grade-level or sectional data they need to support their students.  

Logging In

Use this link to access the site and login with Microsoft (see below).

Learning about the LAC

collaborative of like schools has contributed a large knowledge base about how to use data in schools effectively. There are tutorials, webinars, articles and a full manual.

☞ Visit the LAC Learning Center for webinars, tutorials and an overview of becoming a data-informed school. 

☞ Download the full LAC manual for help understanding all the possible data visualizations available.  In the boxes below are the examples from the manual that we have on our site.  


Our Data Visualizations