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Personal Project: Formal Meetings with Supervisors

Personal Project information and support for teachers and students

Formal Meeting Agendas

First Formal Meeting with Supervisor (suggested agenda)

Students, must have a minimum of 3 formal meetings with your supervisor. The summaries and discussion from these meetings will be recorded in an academic honesty form on MyTime.

Students arrange a time to discuss the following with their mentor:

  1. Learning goal
  2. Product goal
  3. Product specifications (success criteria)
  4. Action plan for attaining product goal & associated success criteria.

Template for Recording Meeting Minutes

Student Name:


Supervisor Name:

Meeting Number:

Outline of what was discussed:

Next Steps- What action(s) are to be taken? What is the timeline for those action(s)?

Discuss when will your next meeting likely take place?

Post in Academic Honesty section in MyTime.

Second Formal Meeting with Supervisor

Students must have a minimum of 3 formal meetings with their supervisors. Summaries and discussions from these meetings are recorded in an academic honesty form on MyTime.

Arrange a time to discuss the following with your mentor:

  1. Start of Report Writing (Criterion A, possibly B)
  2. Progress toward product success criteria
  3. Identify 2-3 ATL skills applied to learning goal
  4. Identify 2-3 ATL skills applied to product goal

Template for Recording Meeting Minutes

Student Name:


Supervisor Name:

Meeting Number:

Outline of what was discussed:

Next Steps- What action(s) are to be taken? What is the timeline for those action(s)?

What are the next steps toward progress?

Post in Academic Honesty section of MyTime

Third Formal Meeting with Supervisor

Students must have a minimum of 3 formal meetings with their supervisors. Summaries and discussions from these meetings are recorded in an academic honesty form on MyTime.

Arrange a time to discuss the following with your mentor:

  1. Report Writing
  2. Finalization of product success criteria
  3. Progress of explanation of 2-3 ATL skills applied to learning goal
  4. Progress of explanation of 2-3 ATL skills applied to product goal

Template for Recording Meeting Minutes

Student Name:


Supervisor Name:

Meeting Number:

Outline of what was discussed:

Next Steps- What action(s) are to be taken? What is the timeline for those action(s)?

Discuss plan for finalizing written report and showcasing project.

Post in Academic Honesty section of MyTime.